Scopus Journal List 2019 Excel
Accredited journals 2017 2020 excel file 2019 excel file 2018 excel file dhet 2017 discontinued sources from scopus january 2019 dhet.
Scopus journal list 2019 excel. Scopus sources may 2016 sourcerecord id source title medline sourced journals are indicated in green titles indicated in bold red do not meet the scopus quality criteria anymore and therefore scopus discontinued the forward capturing active or inactive print issn e issn coverage medline sourc. Ibss 2017 accredited journals 2016. Scopus journal list 2019 xls citation. Scopus 2017 ibss 2016 ibss.
Scopus journals list 2019. Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer re. Norwegian list 2017 dhet 2016 isi social science. Journal rankings are intended to reflect the place of a journal within its field the relative difficulty of being published in that journal and the prestige associated with it.
Isi 2017 dhet excel file. Indian journals indexed in scopus scopus indexed journals. Jssh pertanika journal of social sciences humanities. Scielo sa 2017 isi 2016 isi arts.
Journal ranking is widely used in academic circles in the evaluation of an academic journal s impact and quality. If you want to download a full list of scopus journals in excel. Just wanted to get the list of 2019 scopus indexed journals. Click download scopus source list.
International journal of environmental research and public health. Indian journals indexed in scopus. El profesor 4k 13 december 2019.